Networking Laboratory
The networking laboratory servies as a major laboratory
to not only conducting practicals, but also a central storage of various application
and system software.
The networking laboratory currently contains more 50 computers with core-i7 processors
and state-of-the-art configuration, networking switches, 2 blade servers and other equipments.
The practicals of following subjects are conducted in this laboratory.
- Computer networks
- Communication Systems
- Operating Systems
- Wireless Communication
- Parallel & Distributed Computing
Hardware / Computing Laboratory
The hardware and computing laboratory is used to conduct hardware and computing related praticals of various subjects as well
as the storage of equipments and students projects.
The hardware and computing lab currently has 20 workstations with state-of-the-art
hardware. The practicals of the following subjects are conducted in this lab.
- Computing Fundamentals
- Digital Logic & Design
- Embedded Systems
Software Development Laboratory
The software development is another large laboratory that houses more than 40 workstations with modern configuration and state-of-the-art software. This laboratory is used to conduct the practicals of a number of subjects including, but not limited to the following.
- Object Oriented Programming
- Computer Programming
- Software Engineering
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Web Engineering
Multimedia Laboratory
Multimedia laboratory houses 25 workstations with the latest hardware to conduct practicals of a number of related subjects, including
- Data Base Management Systems
- Computer Graphics
- Visual Programming
- Multimedia Technologies
Microprocessor Laboratory
The control systems and laboratory contains a number of electronic/electric equipments,, embedded hardware (including microcontrollers, Arduino boards, Raspbarry Pi boards, programmable robotic arms), and other microcontroller trainers. The following practicals are conducted at this laboratory.
- Microprocessors & Interfacing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Image Processing
FYP Laboratory
FYP laboratory houses 25 workstations and is used for reserach and development. The final year students also work on their senior project design in the same lab.
IoT Laboratory
IoT laboratory is a newly developed lab, established in July 2021. It is intended to use for the research and lab practicals of wireless sensor networks, internet of things, embedded systems, etc.